Help us create a new future for youth in Ukraine!
That is the number of Ukrainian boys and girls don't have a chance to gain an education due to difficult life circumstances!
You can create a better future for them now!

We have faced with an extraordinary challenge: in a country where a full-scale war is ongoing, we continue to provide free education to socially vulnerable youth
The individual education system includes free accommodation, food and psychological and social support.
You can join the development of our organization and contribute to their future today!
Join in!
Give an opportunity
Ways to give
Grace Life Outreach c/o
Marc Ivanchak
190 Seminole Lane,
#302 Cocoa Beach,
FL 32931
Put "Students" in memo line
For Bitcoin:
For any token from EVM/Ethereum
compatible networks:
Bank of America Account number: 3251 7781 8949 ARH Routing Number: 121000358 Hebron, Inc

Your donations are tax-deductible
Donations made on this page are tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organisation based in the U.S. Our tax ID/EIN is 92-1311021. For gifts made online, keep your email receipt as your official record to claim your donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes. For gifts made offline by donors living in the U.S. and who provide a mailing address, you will receive a donation receipt by postal mail.
Hebron IT Academy is a non-governmental organization that provides practical knowledge in the IT field during the latest one-year training program aimed at the holistic rehabilitation of orphans and young people at risk.
Persons from among orphans and children deprived of parental care; persons between the ages of 18 and 25 who lost their parents before the age of 18. Persons with the status of internally displaced persons and young people who find themselves in other difficult life circumstances.
Hebron IT Academy is a non-profit organization, the development of which is funded by charitable foundations, patrons, donors and ordinary citizens who are not indifferent to the fate of the crisis youth in Ukraine
Proceeds are used to provide students of the Academy with housing, food, medical care, teaching materials for the period of time in which they study. During the existence of the Academy, there was withdrawn total amount of funding for one student – $600 / month.
The entrant must pass an interview and test. To do this, you must file an application for admission HERE. After that, the recruiter will set a date for the interview and testing.
Anyone can join the development of the project: helping financially, volunteering, mentoring, with medicine, food, technology or otherwise. More details here.