Creating a new future for underprivileged youth
After a successful experience in IT in the United States, native Ukrainian couple Liliya Valihun and Ihor Bula decided to help vulnerable youth in their home country. Due to the difficulties associated specifically with working to help youths in crisis, it was determined that this project should be a Christian based organization. This contributes not only to the formation of a quality educational environment, but also unites the students of Hebron IT Academy into a healthy caring community, which fosters a compassion for and helps the next generation of students who will come after them.
Why is it important to help vulnerable youth in Ukraine?
Vulnerable children in residential institutions like orphanages in Ukraine.
Children were left without parental care during the war. Counting continues.
Of them cannot find meaningful work in society. They end up on the streets or commit suicide.
Students are provided with education, housing, internship in IT companies and employment annually at Hebron IT Academy.
Our Mission
Transforming lives of underprivileged youth through education
Building mini "Stanford" for orphans in Ukraine
We are creating a new highest level of education for vulnerable youth in Ukraine!
Three vector education
We provide three vector education: intellectual, physical and spiritual development.
Advisory Board

Meet the Team
Hebron IT Academy is a team of like-minded people, professionals and concerned people. We like what we do, therefore we do it qualitatively. We are open, we love technology, and we use it to push the borders and embody the boldest ideas.

Hebron IT Academy is a non-governmental organization that provides practical knowledge in the tech during the latest one-year training program aimed at the holistic rehabilitation of orphans and young people at risk.
Persons from among orphans and children deprived of parental care; persons between the ages of 18 and 23 who lost their parents before the age of 18. Persons with the status of internally displaced persons and young people who find themselves in other difficult life circumstances.
Hebron IT Academy is a non-profit organization, the development of which is funded by charitable foundations, patrons, donors and ordinary citizens who are not indifferent to the fate of the crisis youth in Ukraine.
Proceeds are used to provide students of the Academy with housing, food, medical care, teaching materials for the period of time in which they study. Costs to support each student are $400 / month.
The entrant must pass an interview and test. To do this, young people must file an application for admission. After that, the recruiter will set a date for the interview and testing.
Anyone can join in by helping financially, volunteering, mentoring, with medicine, food, technology or otherwise.
give time.
Share your time, share your love for young people
We love hearing from you, and there are lots of ways you can get in touch.